Chosen from over 280 restaurants, Sushimura makes the list!

Hello to everyone interested in the dining industry! Today, I want to talk about the Top 9 Best Sushi as selected by Vancouver Magazine. This magazine hosts its 35th annual Restaurant Awards, and this time, over 280 restaurants were nominated across 50 categories.
Among them, Sushimura was nominated for the BEST SUSHI Finalist TOP9! This is a recognition of Sushimura’s quality and effort, and through this, we can feel even more proud.

We would like to express our gratitude to Vancouver Magazine for this opportunity. And achieving this result was possible thanks to the continuous love and interest from our customers. Sushimura will continue to strive to provide the best sushi.
We are delighted to share this great news with you. We ask for your continued love and interest in Sushimura!